Things that aren’t a flex

Sometimes people are utterly proud of something that absolutely no one should be proud of. I have gathered my favorites:


I. Studying longer than the rest:


Well, if I am not the queen of this category. My biggest flex used to be showing off my study hours that could very likely range from four to six hours A DAY. It was crazy, unhealthy, and so inefficient; the thought makes me cringe. So, long study hours are actually just showing off your horrible time scheduling and lack of efficiency. Plus, the are likely to make you miserable.


II. A bad sleep schedule:


I’m sorry to all my night owls, but sleeping two hours a day isn’t a flex. Honestly, the only admirable thing about it is the fact that you can still stand straight (because without at least 7 hours, I can’t). Seriously, it makes me wonder how you get through your day (and how badly you procrastinate if you still have work to do at 2 am). Do yourself a favor and give your body sleep; it needs it.


III. Drawing beautiful headings:


They are admirable but completely unnecessary (from an academic view). They waste space and time and don’t really help you understand the topic you SHOULD be taking notes on. Also, since they are time-consuming, they keep you from paying attention, which also isn’t a flex. My notes look terrible, but at least I understand them.